Func 0.28 on CentOS6
Jason Kincl
2011-07-12 20:48:01 UTC

I am getting some dependency errors when trying to install Func from the EPEL repository. It appears that the Func RPM requires Python 2.4 and the default installed version on CentOS6 is 2.6.

Error: Package: certmaster-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Requires: python(abi) = 2.4
Installed: python-2.6.5-3.el6_0.2.x86_64 (@CentOS6-x86_64-updates/6.0)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python-2.6.5-3.el6.i686 (base)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python-2.6.5-3.el6.x86_64 (base)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python26-2.6.5-6.el5.x86_64 (epel)
python(abi) = 2.6
Error: Package: func-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Requires: python(abi) = 2.4
Installed: python-2.6.5-3.el6_0.2.x86_64 (@CentOS6-x86_64-updates/6.0)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python-2.6.5-3.el6.i686 (base)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python-2.6.5-3.el6.x86_64 (base)
python(abi) = 2.6
Available: python26-2.6.5-6.el5.x86_64 (epel)
python(abi) = 2.6

Thoughts? Thanks,

Jason Kincl
Tim Bielawa
2011-07-12 20:56:04 UTC
Post by Jason Kincl
I am getting some dependency errors when trying to install Func from
the EPEL repository. It appears that the Func RPM requires Python 2.4
and the default installed version on CentOS6 is 2.6.
Error: Package: certmaster-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Error: Package: func-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Thoughts? Thanks,
You're attempting to install el5 RPMs. You need the EL6 RPMs. They
should be available on the website. Is the centos project shipping
these? Shame on them if they are.
Tim Bielawa
Associate Software Engineer
Production Control Team
919.754.4741 Cube / 919.332.6411 Cell
Raleigh, NC
1BA0 4FAB 4C13 FBA0 A036 4958 AD05 E75E 0333 AE37
Jason Kincl
2011-07-12 21:04:17 UTC
Post by Tim Bielawa
Post by Jason Kincl
I am getting some dependency errors when trying to install Func from
the EPEL repository. It appears that the Func RPM requires Python 2.4
and the default installed version on CentOS6 is 2.6.
Error: Package: certmaster-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Error: Package: func-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Thoughts? Thanks,
You're attempting to install el5 RPMs. You need the EL6 RPMs. They
should be available on the website. Is the centos project shipping
these? Shame on them if they are.
Tim Bielawa
Associate Software Engineer
Production Control Team
919.754.4741 Cube / 919.332.6411 Cell
Raleigh, NC
1BA0 4FAB 4C13 FBA0 A036 4958 AD05 E75E 0333 AE37
My fault! It was a misconfiguration on my yum repo stanzas and I was pointing at centos5 repos.


Jason Kincl
Jason Kincl
2011-07-12 21:27:51 UTC
Post by Jason Kincl
Post by Tim Bielawa
Post by Jason Kincl
I am getting some dependency errors when trying to install Func from
the EPEL repository. It appears that the Func RPM requires Python 2.4
and the default installed version on CentOS6 is 2.6.
Error: Package: certmaster-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Error: Package: func-0.28-1.el5.noarch (epel)
Thoughts? Thanks,
You're attempting to install el5 RPMs. You need the EL6 RPMs. They
should be available on the website. Is the centos project shipping
these? Shame on them if they are.
Tim Bielawa
Associate Software Engineer
Production Control Team
919.754.4741 Cube / 919.332.6411 Cell
Raleigh, NC
1BA0 4FAB 4C13 FBA0 A036 4958 AD05 E75E 0333 AE37
My fault! It was a misconfiguration on my yum repo stanzas and I was pointing at centos5 repos.
Jason Kincl
Okay, I hope this is not as obvious as the last:

The CentOS6 box is showing a different sub_hash than the CentOS5 boxes I have. What could that mean?

Jason Kincl
Tim Bielawa
2011-07-13 14:13:48 UTC
Post by Jason Kincl
The CentOS6 box is showing a different sub_hash than the CentOS5 boxes I have. What could that mean?
Jason Kincl
Between RHEL5 and RHEL6 the shipped OpenSSL version went from 0.9
something to 1.0. The OpenSSL people changed how hashes are generated in

There's no real good work around for this. In my job we use puppet and
generate our minion ACLs that way. We just check the OS release version
and include the correct hash based on that.

Tim Bielawa
Jason Kincl
2011-07-13 14:21:17 UTC
Post by Tim Bielawa
Post by Jason Kincl
The CentOS6 box is showing a different sub_hash than the CentOS5 boxes I have. What could that mean?
Jason Kincl
Between RHEL5 and RHEL6 the shipped OpenSSL version went from 0.9
something to 1.0. The OpenSSL people changed how hashes are generated in
There's no real good work around for this. In my job we use puppet and
generate our minion ACLs that way. We just check the OS release version
and include the correct hash based on that.
Tim Bielawa
Hah well I do the same and can include a second acl for 'new' hash.


Jason Kincl
Tim Bielawa
2011-07-13 14:35:57 UTC
Post by Jason Kincl
Post by Tim Bielawa
Post by Jason Kincl
The CentOS6 box is showing a different sub_hash than the CentOS5 boxes I have. What could that mean?
Jason Kincl
Between RHEL5 and RHEL6 the shipped OpenSSL version went from 0.9
something to 1.0. The OpenSSL people changed how hashes are generated in
There's no real good work around for this. In my job we use puppet and
generate our minion ACLs that way. We just check the OS release version
and include the correct hash based on that.
Tim Bielawa
Hah well I do the same and can include a second acl for 'new' hash.
Jason Kincl
class func_stuff {
$func_m2m_rhel_hash = $operatingsystemrelease ? {
'6' => "rhel-6-hash-here",
default => "rhel-5-hash-here",
$func_m2m_hash = $func_m2m_hash ? {
'' => "myminion.domain.tld-$func_m2m_rhel_hash",
default => $func_m2m_hash,
Seth also suggested once that if you're not too concerned about the
actual hash value (trusted network and all) you can use globbing in the
Post by Jason Kincl
myminion.domain.tld-* = *
Tim Bielawa