wiki updates?
Rudy X. Desjardins
2011-04-29 15:17:38 UTC

This may be a dumb question, apologies if I've missed the obvious answer,
but: how/where do I get an account to let me make wiki edits for Func? There
are a number of points on the FuncSslDetails page which need updating, and
I'm happy to make them/submit them if someone can point me to the right spot
(I looked for a signup link/page/etc, couldn't find anything letting me
create an account/login without already having an account.

Rudy X. Desjardins
VM Farms
1-866-278-0021 x703
Twitter: @vmfarms
Tim Bielawa
2011-04-29 15:26:50 UTC
Post by Rudy X. Desjardins
This may be a dumb question, apologies if I've missed the obvious answer,
but: how/where do I get an account to let me make wiki edits for Func? There
are a number of points on the FuncSslDetails page which need updating, and
I'm happy to make them/submit them if someone can point me to the right spot
(I looked for a signup link/page/etc, couldn't find anything letting me
create an account/login without already having an account.
It's great to see somebody step up and make these changes!

To edit wiki pages on fedorahosted.org you need an account in the Fedora
Accounts System. Go to the following page and click "Sign Up"


Tim Bielawa
Associate Software Engineer
Production Control Team
919.754.4741 Cube / 919.332.6411
Raleigh, NC
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