func on rhel/centos4 going forward
Greg Swift
2011-03-04 16:39:46 UTC
So, RHEL 4 goes end of regular support at the end of February, 2012. Once
this occurs, its unlikely that any of the community based releases such as
Centos, Scientific Linux, etc will be continuing on with their RHEL4 based
distributions. Right now to get the latest versions of func working on
these releases we have to apply several patches due to methods that py2.3
doesn't support, as well as a lack of smolt on for that platform.

So the questions are:

1) How many of you are using func on RHEL4 and its children?

2) If you are using func on them, do you need the latest version or will the
0.24-1 release currently in EPEL hold you until next February?

3) If you need the release, would you be willing to use a patch set and
re-build the RPM yourself?

Let us know.


Louis Coilliot
2011-03-04 16:50:12 UTC
Post by Greg Swift
1) How many of you are using func on RHEL4 and its children?
I do. Many of my corporate clients still have rhel4 systems.
Post by Greg Swift
If you are using func on them, do you need the latest version
I would prefer the latest one.
Post by Greg Swift
3) If you need the release, would you be willing to use a patch set and
re-build the RPM yourself?
patch set + rebuild is fine for me.

Louis Coilliot
Post by Greg Swift
So, RHEL 4 goes end of regular support at the end of February, 2012. Once
this occurs, its unlikely that any of the community based releases such as
Centos, Scientific Linux, etc will be continuing on with their RHEL4 based
distributions. Right now to get the latest versions of func working on
these releases we have to apply several patches due to methods that py2.3
doesn't support, as well as a lack of smolt on for that platform.
1) How many of you are using func on RHEL4 and its children?
2) If you are using func on them, do you need the latest version or will
the 0.24-1 release currently in EPEL hold you until next February?
3) If you need the release, would you be willing to use a patch set and
re-build the RPM yourself?
Let us know.
Func-list mailing list
Cleaver, Japheth
2011-03-04 16:56:04 UTC
If it’s as simple as a patch set (#3), then I’d hope for continued support for RHEL4 variants. If it’s actual decreased functionality or architectural changes that are desired but can’t be done with Py2.3 restrictions, then forking and maintaining a “last supported release for RHEL4” package would probably be okay.

More than anything else, support for continued interoperability would be key. Even if a feature freeze were to occur for the older version, maintenance to allow it to talk to the latest version of the server nicely would be desired.

