question about func and multiple puppetmaster servers
hai wu
2011-04-15 00:03:59 UTC
It seems func needs to be integrated with puppetmaster via cert. How would
this work if there would be multiple puppetmaster servers?

seth vidal
2011-04-15 02:48:59 UTC
Post by hai wu
It seems func needs to be integrated with puppetmaster via cert. How
would this work if there would be multiple puppetmaster servers?
func doesn't NEED to be integrated with puppetmaster via cert.

It CAN be - it's an option - but it doesn't NEED it.

If there are multiple puppet masters then you'd have multiple CAs.
Normally, in the circumstance you'd have a CA-per puppetmaster - which
means an overlord per puppetmaster.

Is there something in particular you cannot do that you want to?

