Announcing Taboot
Tim Bielawa
2011-05-02 21:29:18 UTC
Greetings func-list!

I'm Tim Bielawa, and have to manage a large group of
systems. Consequently, I'm very glad for Func.

I just wanted to post to the list about a project we use in my group to
manage our systems. It's called Taboot and is a utility for running
common task patterns using Func.

Why would you be interested in it, what makes it special or interesting?

- "Release scripts" are written using the YAML language
- Configurable levels of concurrency
- Tasks for common operations built in
- Additional tasks are easy to write
- Very simple to use and it even has documentation (no joke!)

I spend most of my time idiling on #func if you want to contact me for a
chat about it.


Tim Bielawa
Associate Software Engineer
Production Control Team
919.754.4741 Cube / 919.332.6411 Cell
Raleigh, NC
1BA0 4FAB 4C13 FBA0 A036 4958 AD05 E75E 0333 AE37
seth vidal
2011-05-09 20:37:41 UTC
Post by Tim Bielawa
Greetings func-list!
I'm Tim Bielawa, and have to manage a large group of
systems. Consequently, I'm very glad for Func.
I just wanted to post to the list about a project we use in my group to
manage our systems. It's called Taboot and is a utility for running
common task patterns using Func.
Why would you be interested in it, what makes it special or interesting?
- "Release scripts" are written using the YAML language
- Configurable levels of concurrency
- Tasks for common operations built in
- Additional tasks are easy to write
- Very simple to use and it even has documentation (no joke!)
I spend most of my time idiling on #func if you want to contact me for a
chat about it.
what are your future plans for this?

what would you like to see it being used for in a year?

