[PATCH] Nagios server module for downtime and enabling/disabling notifications
2011-05-20 18:58:10 UTC
From: Tim Bielawa <tbielawa-H+wXaHxf7aLQT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org>

This is a Nagios server-side module. It's intended to be used from a
central control point to remotely execute downtime and notification

For example: In my use case it would be invoked from another program
to handle scheduling downtime while I am performing rolling updates to
pools of servers.

The included functionality is enough to make the module by itself
practical and useful. Therefore, I am submitting this for peer review
before feature bloat takes over.

(There is plenty of room for future enhancements and feature bloat :-)

func/minion/modules/nagios.py | 581 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 func/minion/modules/nagios.py

diff --git a/func/minion/modules/nagios.py b/func/minion/modules/nagios.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04fbdf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/func/minion/modules/nagios.py
@@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
+# func-nagios - Schedule downtime and enables/disable notifications
+# Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc.
+# Tim Bielawa <tbielawa-H+wXaHxf7aLQT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org>
+# This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU
+# general public license version 2.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+from certmaster.config import BaseConfig, Option
+import func_module
+import time
+class Nagios(func_module.FuncModule):
+ """
+ Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and
+ notifications.
+ The complete set of external commands Nagios handles is documented
+ on their website:
+ http://old.nagios.org/developerinfo/externalcommands/commandlist.php
+ Note that in the case of `schedule_svc_downtime`,
+ `enable_svc_notifications`, and `disable_svc_notifications`, the
+ service argument should be passed as a list.
+ Configuration:
+ If your nagios cmdfile is not /var/spool/nagios/cmd/nagios.cmd you
+ can configure this by creating a file called /etc/func/modules/Nagios.conf
+ that looks like this:
+ [main]
+ cmdfile = /path/to/your/nagios.cmd
+ Examples:
+ import func.overlord.client as fc
+ nagios_server = fc.Client("nagios.mydomain.com")
+ # Schedule 1 hour of downtime for the http service on www01.
+ nagios_server.schedule_svc_downtime("www01.ext.mydomain.com",
+ ["http"], 60):
+ # Schedule 30 minutes (default) of downtime for the rsync
+ # and nfs services on filer05.
+ nagios_server.schedule_svc_downtime("filer05.int.mydomain.com",
+ ["rsync", "nfs"]):
+ # Schedule 30 minutes (default) of downtime the foobar host.
+ nagios_server.schedule_host_downtime("foobar.mydomain.com")
+ # Reenable notifications for all services on the foobar host.
+ nagios_server.enable_host_svc_notifications("foobar.mydomain.com")
+ # Disable notifications for the foo and bar services on the
+ # megafrobber host.
+ nagios_server.disable_svc_notifications("megafrobber.mydomain.com",
+ ["foo", "bar"])
+ """
+ version = "0.8.0"
+ api_version = "0.8.0"
+ description = "Schedule downtime and handle notifications in Nagios."
+ class Config(BaseConfig):
+ cmdfile = Option("/var/spool/nagios/cmd/nagios.cmd")
+ def _now(self):
+ """
+ The time in seconds since 12:00:00AM Jan 1, 1970
+ """
+ return int(time.time())
+ def _write_command(self, cmd):
+ """
+ Write the given command to the Nagios command file
+ """
+ try:
+ fp = open(self.options.cmdfile, 'w')
+ fp.write(cmd)
+ fp.flush()
+ fp.close()
+ return True
+ except IOError:
+ return False
+ def _fmt_dt_str(self, cmd, host, duration, author="func",
+ comment="Scheduling downtime", start=None,
+ svc=None, fixed=1, trigger=0):
+ """
+ Format an external-command downtime string.
+ cmd - Nagios command ID
+ host - Host schedule downtime on
+ duration - Minutes to schedule downtime for
+ author - Name to file the downtime as
+ comment - Reason for running this command (upgrade, reboot, etc)
+ start - Start of downtime in seconds since 12:00AM Jan 1 1970
+ Default is to use the entry time (now)
+ svc - Service to schedule downtime for, omit when for host downtime
+ fixed - Start now if 1, start when a problem is detected if 0
+ trigger - Optional ID of event to start downtime from. Leave as 0 for
+ fixed downtime.
+ Syntax: [submitted] COMMAND;<host_name>;[<service_description>]
+ <start_time>;<end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;
+ <comment>
+ """
+ entry_time = self._now()
+ if start is None:
+ start = entry_time
+ hdr = "[%s] %s;%s;" % (entry_time, cmd, host)
+ duration_s = (duration * 60)
+ end = start + duration_s
+ if svc is not None:
+ dt_args = [svc, str(start), str(end), str(fixed), str(trigger),
+ str(duration_s), author, comment]
+ else:
+ # Downtime for a host if no svc specified
+ dt_args = [str(start), str(end), str(fixed), str(trigger),
+ str(duration_s), author, comment]
+ dt_arg_str = ";".join(dt_args)
+ dt_str = hdr + dt_arg_str + "\n"
+ return dt_str
+ def _fmt_notif_str(self, cmd, host, svc=None):
+ """
+ Format an external-command notification string.
+ cmd - Nagios command ID.
+ host - Host to en/disable notifications on..
+ svc - Service to schedule downtime for. A value is not required
+ for host downtime.
+ Syntax: [submitted] COMMAND;<host_name>[;<service_description>]
+ """
+ entry_time = self._now()
+ if svc is not None:
+ notif_str = "[%s] %s;%s;%s\n" % (entry_time, cmd, host, svc)
+ else:
+ # Downtime for a host if no svc specified
+ notif_str = "[%s] %s;%s\n" % (entry_time, cmd, host)
+ return notif_str
+ def schedule_svc_downtime(self, host, services=[], minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for a particular
+ service.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the service.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME;<host_name>;<service_description>
+ <start_time>;<end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;
+ <comment>
+ """
+ nagios_return = True
+ return_str_list = []
+ for service in services:
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, host, minutes, svc=service)
+ nagios_return = nagios_return and self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ return_str_list.append(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return return_str_list
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def schedule_host_downtime(self, host, minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for a particular
+ host.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the host.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME;<host_name>;<start_time>;<end_time>;
+ <fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;<comment>
+ """
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, host, minutes)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return dt_cmd_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def schedule_hostgroup_host_downtime(self, hostgroup, minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for all hosts in a
+ particular hostgroup.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the hosts.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME;<hostgroup_name>;<start_time>;
+ <end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;<comment>
+ """
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, hostgroup, minutes)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return dt_cmd_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def schedule_hostgroup_svc_downtime(self, hostgroup, minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for all services in
+ a particular hostgroup.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the services.
+ Note that scheduling downtime for services does not
+ automatically schedule downtime for the hosts those services
+ are associated with.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME;<hostgroup_name>;<start_time>;
+ <end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;<comment>
+ """
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, hostgroup, minutes)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return dt_cmd_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def schedule_servicegroup_host_downtime(self, servicegroup, minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for all hosts in a
+ particular servicegroup.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the hosts.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME;<servicegroup_name>;
+ <start_time>;<end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;
+ <comment>
+ """
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, servicegroup, minutes)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return dt_cmd_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def schedule_servicegroup_svc_downtime(self, servicegroup, minutes=30):
+ """
+ This command is used to schedule downtime for all services in
+ a particular servicegroup.
+ During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send
+ notifications out about the services.
+ Note that scheduling downtime for services does not
+ automatically schedule downtime for the hosts those services
+ are associated with.
+ Syntax: SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME;<servicegroup_name>;
+ <start_time>;<end_time>;<fixed>;<trigger_id>;<duration>;<author>;
+ <comment>
+ """
+ dt_cmd_str = self._fmt_dt_str(cmd, servicegroup, minutes)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(dt_cmd_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return dt_cmd_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_host_svc_notifications(self, host):
+ """
+ This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent
+ out for all services on the specified host.
+ Note that this command does not disable notifications from
+ being sent out about the host.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_host_notifications(self, host):
+ """
+ This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent
+ out for the specified host.
+ Note that this command does not disable notifications for
+ services associated with this host.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_svc_notifications(self, host, services=[]):
+ """
+ This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent
+ out for the specified service.
+ Note that this command does not disable notifications from
+ being sent out about the host.
+ Syntax: DISABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;<host_name>;<service_description>
+ """
+ nagios_return = True
+ return_str_list = []
+ for service in services:
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host, svc=service)
+ nagios_return = nagios_return and self._write_command(notif_str)
+ return_str_list.append(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return return_str_list
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_servicegroup_host_notifications(self, servicegroup):
+ """
+ This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent
+ out for all hosts in the specified servicegroup.
+ Note that this command does not disable notifications for
+ services associated with hosts in this service group.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, servicegroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_servicegroup_svc_notifications(self, servicegroup):
+ """
+ This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent
+ out for all services in the specified servicegroup.
+ Note that this does not prevent notifications from being sent
+ out about the hosts in this servicegroup.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, servicegroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_hostgroup_host_notifications(self, hostgroup):
+ """
+ Disables notifications for all hosts in a particular
+ hostgroup.
+ Note that this does not disable notifications for the services
+ associated with the hosts in the hostgroup - see the
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, hostgroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def disable_hostgroup_svc_notifications(self, hostgroup):
+ """
+ Disables notifications for all services associated with hosts
+ in a particular hostgroup.
+ Note that this does not disable notifications for the hosts in
+ command for that.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, hostgroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_host_notifications(self, host):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for a particular host.
+ Note that this command does not enable notifications for
+ services associated with this host.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_host_svc_notifications(self, host):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for all services on the specified host.
+ Note that this does not enable notifications for the host.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_svc_notifications(self, host, services=[]):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for a particular service.
+ Note that this does not enable notifications for the host.
+ Syntax: ENABLE_SVC_NOTIFICATIONS;<host_name>;<service_description>
+ """
+ nagios_return = True
+ return_str_list = []
+ for service in services:
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, host, svc=service)
+ nagios_return = nagios_return and self._write_command(notif_str)
+ return_str_list.append(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return return_str_list
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_hostgroup_host_notifications(self, hostgroup):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup.
+ Note that this command does not enable notifications for
+ services associated with the hosts in this hostgroup.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, hostgroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_hostgroup_svc_notifications(self, hostgroup):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for all services that are associated
+ with hosts in a particular hostgroup.
+ Note that this does not enable notifications for the hosts in
+ this hostgroup.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, hostgroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_servicegroup_host_notifications(self, servicegroup):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for all hosts that have services that
+ are members of a particular servicegroup.
+ Note that this command does not enable notifications for
+ services associated with the hosts in this servicegroup.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, servicegroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
+ def enable_servicegroup_svc_notifications(self, servicegroup):
+ """
+ Enables notifications for all services that are members of a
+ particular servicegroup.
+ Note that this does not enable notifications for the hosts in
+ this servicegroup.
+ """
+ notif_str = self._fmt_notif_str(cmd, servicegroup)
+ nagios_return = self._write_command(notif_str)
+ if nagios_return:
+ return notif_str
+ else:
+ return "Fail: could not write to the command file"
seth vidal
2011-05-23 19:41:17 UTC
Post by tbielawa-H+wXaHxf7aLQT0dZR+
This is a Nagios server-side module. It's intended to be used from a
central control point to remotely execute downtime and notification
For example: In my use case it would be invoked from another program
to handle scheduling downtime while I am performing rolling updates to
pools of servers.
The included functionality is enough to make the module by itself
practical and useful. Therefore, I am submitting this for peer review
before feature bloat takes over.
(There is plenty of room for future enhancements and feature bloat :-)
applied. thanks

