func and certmaster 0.28 releases
seth vidal
2011-04-07 18:06:04 UTC
Hi folks,
I've made a new release of func and certmaster. This fixes a lot of
bugs from the 0.27 releases and adds a few new options/features.

Some of you will be happy to know I added actual git tags this time! :)

There are a lot of new func-commands in this release, some of them are
going to help a lot of folks use func more easily.

in many cases they are.... underdocumented so I encourage folks to play
with them and PLEASE submit docs/faqs/etc.

Also please ask questions and we'll try to answer them as much as

Significant fixes/Changes:
- working properly with python 2.7+ :)
- new cpu module
- new yumcmd module
- func-command, func-find-user, func-down-hosts, func-list-vms-per-host,
func-ps-compare, func-whatsmyname, func-yum
- fix hostname finding
- add 'allow_unknown_minions' option to overlord - let's us have minions
we don't have the certs available for locally but we know the host
exists. Func will attempt to make the connection based on just resolving
the name. If it resolves and the cert the host offers is signed by our
Certmaster/CA then it will continue as normal.
- getfile module added (opposite of putfile with sensible directory
- lots of fixes to the grouping code with puppetminions
- when we create dirs for our command dbs on the overlord side, don't
assume everyone is global and root - behave when run as a user.

func tarballs:

certmaster tarballs:

sha256sums are signed with my gpg key.

I'd like to thank Greg Swift for starting to contribute to the code
recently and seriously helping to motivate me to understand the
delegation code better. :)

Greg Swift
2011-04-07 19:59:08 UTC
Post by seth vidal
Hi folks,
I've made a new release of func and certmaster.

As an addendum to Seth's announce I'd like to remind everyone that
certmaster does not work on RHEL5 and its derivatives without a patch to
pyOpenSSL. There is an active bugzilla and RFE filed with Red Hat, and it
looks like the RHEL 5.7 pyOpenSSL release will include the patch. This is
the same issue we had with the 0.27 release, and has been discussed before.


However... for those of you that have gotten past that point, and want some
packages, I'll be building them tonight and posting them to my site for
public consumption until RHEL 5.7 comes around.

For you RHEL4 lovers out there... I'm working on the patch set. Its a bit
of a pain, but mainly from tediousness. Help is very welcome :)

I'd like to thank Greg Swift for starting to contribute to the code
Post by seth vidal
recently and seriously helping to motivate me to understand the
delegation code better. :)
aww shucks :) thanks for letting me help, and putting up with some of my

Greg Swift
2011-04-08 02:30:53 UTC
Post by Greg Swift
Post by seth vidal
Hi folks,
I've made a new release of func and certmaster.
However... for those of you that have gotten past that point, and want some
packages, I'll be building them tonight and posting them to my site for
public consumption until RHEL 5.7 comes around.
or seth could be all kewl and powerful and build them in koji and thus
they'll work their way into EPEL's updates-testing soonish. For RHEL 5 and
6 even. thats better anyways :)

seth vidal
2011-04-08 03:29:16 UTC
On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 13:06, seth vidal
Hi folks,
I've made a new release of func and certmaster.
However... for those of you that have gotten past that point,
and want some packages, I'll be building them tonight and
posting them to my site for public consumption until RHEL 5.7
comes around.
or seth could be all kewl and powerful and build them in koji and thus
they'll work their way into EPEL's updates-testing soonish. For RHEL
5 and 6 even. thats better anyways :)

karma welcome.


seth vidal
2011-04-07 21:30:00 UTC
Post by seth vidal
sha256sums are signed with my gpg key.
I messed up in the creation of the tarballs. So I had to redo them.

If you've downloaded them before getting this email, download them

the checksums are updated, too.
